We are pleased to be returning once again to offer opportunities for healing and deep rest to the participants at the Festival of Homiletics, Preaching for the Future Church. We pray our offerings are time of prayer and Presence for you.

Class Offerings: This year we will offer three different ways to embody our faith. We will offer traditional practices of yin, hatha and vinyasa yoga taught by Rev. Cindy Senarighi, retired ELCA, RN, 200 Hr E-RYT and owner of Yogadevotion. Born a healer, Cindy's first career was as an RN specializing in mental health. Following a profound experience of God's Presence in a yoga class, Yogadevotion was conceived and she became a 200 hr certified yoga instructor. As a parish nurse she began to explore ordained ministry and attended Luther Seminary. She was called to St. Andrew's Lutheran church, Mahtomedi as a congregational care pastor. Yogadevotion has been her primary call since retiring from the ELCA in 2018. Click below for more about this journey.

Yin Yogadevotion is yoga that targets deep connective tissues, like fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It's slower and more meditative, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body. Yin is done entirely on the floor, relaxing into postures for several minutes.

Hatha and Vinyasa Yogadevotion are pose based and incorporate many of the same poses. The main difference is the pacing of the classes. Vinyasa moves at a faster pace and requires greater breathing control than Hatha yoga. Because hatha is done more slowly and poses are held for longer, the practice allows for more stretching. For these classes the following props might be helpful but not necessary, a mat, blanket, yoga block, bolster or pillow. Please feel free to choose your own music to play during class if you would like to.

Gentle yoga and Healing Touch taught by Lisa Banning Ender, 200 hr RYT, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and business manager for Yogadevotion. Healing Touch is a nurturing energy therapy that promotes healing and reduces stress and anxiety. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care.  As Christians we believe the healing to be a gift of God and the healer as a conduit of God's love and healing power through the Holy Spirit. In two 30 min sessions, we will  explore gentle movement, breath and Healing Touch techniques the we can perform on ourselves. We will conclude our time with a guided relaxation.

Contemplative practices of meditation/centering prayer, chanting and Lectio Divina will be offered by Heidi Green 200-E RYT, 500 RYT, co-author of Yogadevotion: Practicing in the Presence and Yogadevotion's online teacher certification. Heidi is a seasoned meditation teacher with a personal practice of daily Centering Prayer, inspired by the teachings of Thomas Keating and Cynthia Bourgeault.  Heidi is also a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider specializing in teaching Raja Yoga Philosophy, as described in the Yoga Sutras, and the eight limbs of yoga for spiritual growth. Active in lay ministry in the Episcopal church, Heidi confesses to being a "hardcore" chanter and yogini—liable to break into a plainsong chant of the psalms or anjali mudra (prayer hands) at the slightest provocation or inspiration. All classes will be accessible to people experiencing yoga for the first time as well as to yoga enthusiasts. All classes will include gentle movement as part of the practice. This practice can be done seated in a chair or on the floor

A Word about Safety

Yoga, as taught by Yogadevotion, is a physical as well as a faith-based spiritual practice of yoga. While the instructor will offer modifications, we ask you to be responsible to listen to your own body and implement the modifications as our body requires. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If you experience any pain or discomfort, please discontinue the activity. We understand that you will assume full responsibility for your own health and well being during the physical practice of yoga.
Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention or treatment. If you have any concerns regarding the physical ability to practice yoga, please see your doctor. Visit your doctor if you are post-natal or post-surgical regarding the safety of practicing yoga. Please understand that you are solely responsible for your health, safety and well being. Agree to hold the Yogadevotion/instructor harmless from any and all responsibility or an injury sustained during or as a result of my Yogadevotion class.

Here is the schedule for our classes. They can be accessed through https://www.festivalofhomiletics.com/schedule/

Monday, May 17, 2021

11 a.m. Vinyasa ~ Yogadevotion with Rev. Cindy Senarighi

4 p.m. Centering Prayer/ meditation ~ Yogadevotion with Heidi Green

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

11 a.m. Gentle yoga and Healing Touch ~ Yogadevotion with Lisa Banning Ender

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

11 a.m. Yin ~ Yogadevotion with Rev. Cindy Searighi

4 p.m. Movement and Lectio Divina ~ Yogadevotion with Heidi Green

Thursday, May 20, 2021

11 a.m. Gentle yoga and Healing Touch ~ Yogadevotion with Lisa Banning Ender

Friday, May 21, 2021

11 a.m. Hatha Yogadevotion with Rev. Cindy Senarighi 4 p.m. Movement and Chanting Yogadevotion with Heidi Green


For licensing reasons most Yogadevotion classes will not have background music but you may choose to play your own music if it enhances your practice. Cindy uses Spotify simply searching yin/hatha yoga music. Lisa uses YouTube. Traditional yoga classes do not use music so this is an issue of personal preference but we suggest it be music that isn't distracting


More from Yogadevotion:

If this all this sparks your interest and you would like more connection. We offer our Faith Based Yoga Certification, this online course begins with a deep dive into the intersections between Christian theology and Raja Yoga philosophy, comparing and contrasting the eight limbs of yoga described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Christian scripture and theology. Yogadevotion the Book, a beautiful collection of weekly devotions to compliment your yoga practice